One history, a thousand inspiring stories.


We will be running lots of contests to celebrate our 60th anniversary throughout the coming months. How about a 60-second video contest? A 600-word blog competition? Or a 60-character tweet contest on Twitter?! That’s all in the pipeline, and there will be our usual amazing prizes: cruises in the Galápagos, nights in Quito’s top hotels, programmes at Mashpi Lodge.

If you would like to sign up to be notified of these contests and news about our 60 years, fill in the form below.

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About our 60 years

Metropolitan Touring’s 60 years are characterized by that difference. Creators, promoters, sellers, organisers, coordinators, hosts, pioneers, yes. But above all, friends to all those who have come into contact with the company – and every contact, every bond, a story.